What We Are About

 We at Eastern Slopes, as a full service veterinary facility, care for both the animal and the owner as a unit.   We recognize that the bond between animal and owner is key to the wellbeing of both parties.

In times of sickness, we realize that this bond is to be used to aid healing, and the owner needs to be involved as much as possible, for it brings comfort to a pet in otherwise unfamiliar surroundings.  Once a diagnosis is made, and an animal is stable, then the healing can begin.  This often happens when the pet finds solace in the presence of their owner.

But this isn’t where our care ends.  We want to be there all the way through the healing – with daily phone calls or exams to ensure that everything is on the right track.  Even when healthy, we are here for our clients and patients – taking the time to answer questions regarding food, vaccines or anything else.  Our success is founded upon our relationship with the client and the respect we have for the bond between our client and their pets.

Our Philosophy


We are here to discuss ANY issue our clients  have with their pets.  For example:

“What can I do about the dog next door constantly fence chasing?”

“My partner and I argue about whether the dog can sleep on the bed.”

“What about food? Are organic blueberries worth it?” or
“ I am going crazy with this puppy and feel completely inadequate that I can’t cope! “ 

We want to be here for our clients and their pets, to facilitate strengthening the bond, from puppy(kitten)hood to old age.

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Our Goal

First, it goes without saying that we want to provide the best care available for our client’s pet, but more than that, we want to strengthen and support the bond present.  We want to earn the trust of our clients, through excellent, quality care while being sensitive to each individual’s situation.  We don’t like policies at Eastern Slopes, but approach each situation individually, understanding that each animal and person is unique.  Your trust is our reward.

Thank you for visiting our website, and we hope to see you soon!

Click here to meet the staff members of Eastern Slopes Veterinary Clinic!